Why Compressor Washes Matter In Aviation

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In the field of aviation, maintaining proper equipment is absolutely vital. Without adequate care and maintenance, there are untold dangers and risks. However, when it comes to maintaining your aircraft engine, a great option is regular compressor washing. If you are not already performing this basic but vital maintenance on your aircraft, then it's time to step things up. The benefits you're sure to experience will prove to you that this simple task is more than worthwhile.

Improve Efficiency

Even the best aircraft engine, over time, is going to accumulate contaminants and general debris. The more contaminants present at a given time, the less efficient an aircraft engine will be. This increases costs as well as potential risks, which is why anything you can do to improve efficiency is wise.

Fortunately, a thorough compressor washing, especially when performed on a regular basis, should clean out the engine and free it up to run more efficiently. A good compressor washing service should be able to set you up on a regular washing schedule according to your aircraft, frequency of use, and other factors. If you follow this cleaning schedule with care, you should experience a big boost in efficiency.

Protect Your Engine

In addition to increasing efficiency, regular compression washing also goes a long way toward maintaining your engine and keeping it in prime condition.

Many of the contaminants that infiltrate airline engines not only reduce efficiency but also damage the engine. Corrosive elements, for example, can lead to rusting and faster wear and tear.

However, if these contaminants are cleaned off before they have time to set in and cause damage, this protects the engine and the aircraft's integrity as a whole.

Enjoy Easier Cleaning

If you only clean your aircraft engine every so often, prepare yourself for a tough job! The longer the engine goes between cleanings, the more time there is for dirt and debris to really set in, take hold, and cause damage. In some cases, cleaning may not even be an effective enough solution, leading to the need for costly repairs or even replacements.

When an engine is cleaned regularly, however, especially through a method as effective as compressor washing, it doesn't really have the time to get very dirty. This keeps the engine cleaner overall and reduces the risk of major damage or issues.

Ultimately, compressor washing, especially when performed professionally and frequently, is one of the best things you can do for an aircraft engine. Thus, if you don't already have a compressor washing service, now is the time to find one!

Contact a company like ECT Inc. to learn more.
